TürkTraktör is Ready for Stage Transition in Turkish Market
TürkTraktör has been putting its plans into action for transition to Stage IIIB and Stage IV emission standards, respectively in April and October 2021 in Turkey, with regard to its engines that the company has already been exporting for many years.TürkTraktör, which began to export tractors featuring Stage V engines made in Turkey to Europe in August 2020, completed its plans for Turkey's transition to Stage IIIB & Stage IV emission standards gradually in 2021. TürkTraktör has completed all of the five Stage IIIB projects it conducted and is already ready for the transition of Stage IIIB engines. A total of three Stage IV projects are underway. The project approvals will be completed before the regulation comes into force in 2021.
Continuously improving with focus on environment, energy and climate change, TürkTraktör produced more than 500 thousand engines until today.
TürkTraktör continues contributing to the protection of environment and the improvement of agricultural productivity with Stage IIIB & Stage IV engines.
Aykut Özüner, CEO of TürkTraktör, reminded that products at Stage IIIB & Stage IV emission levels are used in Europe and North America since 2014, and outlined the possible changes that may be experienced in Turkey because of the transition to this standard: "Engine performance and productivity is very important for a tractor to fulfill all its functions soundly. The level of technology used by the engine while generating that required power, the fuel consumed by the engine, the torque provided by the engine and the reaction of the engine under tough conditions are the main qualities considered by farmers.”
Özüner underlined the need to use a more advanced electronic fuel control system in engines fulfilling new Stage standards. "This system known as 'Common Rail' enables tractors to run more efficiently, and improves the satisfaction of our farmers by generating higher torque and power. However, what more important is the great contribution to environmental health and protection by these engines at these emission levels." said Özüner.
Completing the transition Stages in engines and tractors offered to the market.
Aykut Özüner, CEO of TürkTraktör, at the end of his statement provided information regarding the changes that will be made in their production facilities as a result of Turkey's transition to Stage IIIB & Stage IV emission standards: "At our state-of-the-art engine manufacturing facility, we will shift a large part of our Stage IIIA engine production to Stage IIIB & Stage IV engine production. In addition, in accordance with the Stage transition in the Turkish market, we will also ensure Stage transitions for our all products gradually. We will also pioneer the replacement of tractors at the age 25 or older, which compose half of the tractor park in Turkey.”