Onur Vural Became The Assistant General Manager For Purchasing Of TürkTraktör

Onur Vural Became The Assistant General Manager For Purchasing Of TürkTraktör

Onur Vural, who was the Director of Erenler Plant at TürkTraktör, the leading manufacturer of Turkish tractor market, became the company’s Assistant General Manager for Purchasing.
Onur Vural began his professional life at Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş. in 1996, working at Ford Otosan Eskişehir Plant until 2009 respectively as Product & Process Development Team Leader, Quality Manager and Ford Production Systems Manager.
He, then, moved to the Kocaeli site and worked there from 2009 to 2014 respectively as Product Development Manager, and Manager of Gölcük and Yeniköy Plants.
Onur Vural joined TürkTraktör in 2014 while Erenler Plant was being established. After taking active role in the establishment process, Vural fulfilled the role of Plant Manager between 2014 - 2016.
In 2017, he was assigned as the Plant Director and continued this role until the end of 2019 in which the plant reached to Silver rating in respect of World Class Manufacturing (WCM) criteria that assesses both the technical and the administrative aspects of a plant.
 Taking over the position from Sedat Tezerişener who had retired at the end of 2019 after 35 years, Onur Vural will continue his great work as the TürkTraktör Assistant General Manager for Purchasing as of January 2020.
Onur Vural, a graduate of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle Eastern Technical University, will responsible of all purchasing operations and development efforts at TürkTraktör.